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PSO nuotoliniai mokymai apie slaugytojų vaidmenį mažinant antimikrobinį atsparumą (anglų k.)

Dalinamės Sveikatos apsaugos ministerijos sveikatos stiprinimo skyriaus informacija apie Pasaulio sveikatos organizacijos organizuojamus internetinius mokymus apie slaugytojų vaidmenį mažinant antimikrobinį atsparumą.

Kam aktualu, kviečiame dalyvauti.

Seminarai vyksta anglų kalba (vertimas į prancūzų ir portugalų k.), visa informacija- žemiau.

Webinars: (a) the role of nurses in preventing AMR, 21 Sept; (b) Efforts to Strengthen Antimicrobial stewardship in the WHO/AFRO region, 28 Sept.

1. WHO Global Webinar Series to support actions to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR) at country level 21 September 2022 CET Infection prevention and antimicrobial stewardship - the role of nurses in preventing AMR

Joint webinar from the WHO Nursing & Midwifery Department and Antimicrobial Resistance Division

21 September 2022 CET. • Session 1: 10.30-11.45 CET/ 09.30-10.45 UK/05.30-06.45 Brazil . Interpretation available in French and Portuguese (tbc) • Session 2: 15.30-16.45 CET/14.30-15 Webinar objective: • To demonstrate how nurses can contribute to preventing and managing AMR through good management practices and effective leadership Topics & Speakers • Opening remarks: Ms Elizabeth Iro, WHO Chief Nursing Officer • Nursing strategies in preventing infections : minimising the burden of AMR Speaker. Mona Liza Marinas, Infection Prevention & Control Lead Nurse| Antimicrobial Stewardship Lead Nurse | Royal Hospital for Neurodisability, London, UK • The experience of nurses in antimicrobial stewardship in Brazil Speaker (a.m.): Maria Clara Pradoveze, University of Sao Paolo, Brasil. Presentation in English Speaker (p.m.): Rosely Moralez de Figueiredo, Nursing Dept, Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos. Presentation in Portugese • Moderated Q&A • Closing remarks Moderator Emily Mc Whirter, WHO Nursing and Midwifery Dept Register for both at this link

2. Wednesday 28th September 2022 at 2PM GMT WHO Regional Office for Africa 1st Antimicrobial Stewardship Regional Webinar Series. To strengthen AMS in the African Region and continue to promote ongoing implementation at Country level, the World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO) will be launching a Regional Antimicrobial Stewardship Webinar Series. These webinar series are aimed at creating a platform for member countries to; • Share best practices, success stories, and practical solutions to common implementation challenges; • Serve as an opportunity to train AMS teams, committees, prescribers, and relevant sectors in Member States with the necessary foundation to contextualize, implement, and sustain integrated AMS programs at the national and health care facility levels; • and monitor progress while strengthening continuing professional development for health care workers in the Region. The inaugural session will be held on Wednesday 28th September 2022 at 2PM GMT, with a focus on Efforts to Strengthen Antimicrobial stewardship in the WHO/AFRO region. Please note that the webinar will be in English with simultaneous interpretation in French and Portuguese. Attached is the concept note Registration for the webinar can be done on the following link. Please feel free to extend the invitation and the link to relevant partners and stakeholders.

3. We are moving to a new and better platform – please come with us!

WHO thanks you for being a valued and active member of the amr-nap community of practice ( Following feedback from members, we have developed a more user-friendly site that aims to facilitate active discussion and exchange, provide a one-stop shop of AMR resources and promote knowledge exchange and learning for those working on the ground to address AMR in all its facets.

The old platform will cease to be used by the end of September 2022 and we invite you to join the AMR Community Exchange ( – a space to connect, exchange and learn with a community of like-minded members On the new site, you will find video guides to the different parts of the site, discussions to join and the ability to start a new discussion, events, news, job opportunities and AMR resources. You can also share your own events, news, job opportunities and AMR resources. To be part of the the AMR Community Exchange please copy and paste into your browser, click and sign up by 30 September 2022. We look forward to learning about the AMR work you are doing and to learning about the AMR challenges and solutions on the ground.



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